We had a great iPad workshop at U Prep!

At CLTA-WA’s summer workshop on August 24th, 2013, participants met at the library of University Prep in Seattle. Presenter Juei-Chuan Hung, Chinese instructor of U Prep with a wealth of experience in classroom technology use, led the 34 participants in a 4-hour long workshop on basic ipad skills and how to integrate iPads into the learning experience in the classroom. iPads were made available for the participant who didn’t have one themselves.  This ensured that every participant was able to practice the skills that Hung Laoshi was teaching, particular using the apps such as Garageband, Story Creator and Notability.  By teaching participants both the basic skills to using an ipad and as well as how apps are used in class activities and projects, Hung Laoshi helped the participants to better use and integrate technology in the classroom that can boost student engagement and provide more creative outlets for learning.