CLTA-WA Professional Develop Grant Accepting Applications‏

As a member of CLTA-WA, you are eligible to apply for our Professional Development Grants. The grants are offered to support member teachers to attend national or regional conferences, summer institutes, workshops or seminars, or to offset travel costs to attend our own workshops. The grants are awarded in US$100 for local professional development opportunities and US$250 for national professional opportunities.  Applications must be received at least 30 days prior to the event. The applications will be reviewed by our Scholarship Committee and the applicant will be notified of the award decision within 15 days. For details, please see the enclosed application form.
The following are some of the upcoming professional development opportunities for which you could apply for the aforementioned grants.
Regionally, WAFLT’s annual conference is coming up on 10/8-10 in Wenatchee,  and nationally, ACTFL will be held in San Diego 11/20-22.