2016 CLTA-WA Summer Workshop Recap


CLTA-WA held a summer workshop successfully at Uprep on August 21st. Our presenter, Kristie Bennett, shared the latest tools and tips that she had encountered that can be applied in our classrooms. The presentation offered a brief overview of numerous different tools available to teachers to provide as many options as possible to foster further discussion. A brainstorming session followed the presentation. Participants broke into small groups to brainstorm ways they could apply the technologies and tools presented in their own classroom. By engaging in conversation with their colleagues, they got a range of perspectives and unique ideas, further prompting their own creativity and inspiring them to try new things in their classrooms.

CLTA-WA also provided free textbooks, flashcards, reading materials and teaching props to our participants.

We would like to wish everyone a wonderful new school year!

CLTA-WA’s Summer Special PBL Workshop on June 26th

We had a great Project-based Learning special summer workshop on June 26th!
Please find the Why PBL Wu Jing Laoshi has shared.

华盛顿州中文教师学会邀吴静老师做有关“项目学习与中文课堂教学的实践” 的讲座

2016年6月26日星期天,是一个风和日丽的夏日, 也是一个出游的好日子。 可是华盛顿州中文教师学会的许多老师却放弃休息及和家人朋友团聚的好时光, 聚集在该会创始人之一的洪春满老师家中听吴静老师有关“项目学习与中文课堂教学的实践” 的讲座。吴老师是北京国际学校的资深中文老师,她对课程设计,课堂教学及科技在语言教学中的运用都颇有经验和心得,在座的老师们认真听讲, 积极发问, 热烈讨论,收获良多。 洪老师不仅提供温馨的家作为此次活动的场地, 而且准备了食物和饮料。 大家欢聚一堂, 交流切磋, 互相学习,为华盛顿州的中文教育和发展努力。

2016 Summer Board Retreat Recap


(Photo by Alice Flores)

The CLTA-WA board just held its annual board retreat & June board meeting on June 26, 2016 in Chunman Laoshi’s beautiful house. After the by-laws familiarization and the new member orientation, the CLTA-WA board and its members brainstormed CLTA-WA’s vision & tasks, as well as discussed the next steps in the upcoming 2016-2017. There was also a small PBL workshop in the afternoon. Wu Jing, the presenter, is from the International School of Beijing. She shared the tested and proven very successful authentic PBL that she and her partners made with us.

The whole day went by so fast, but was an absolute blast!


Hiking with our members at Poo Poo Point – A recap of the first CLTA-WA hike


(Photo by Alice Flores)

Last Thursday, Sarah Yao, our Networking & Advocacy Committee member, hosted a hike with CLTA-WA members at Poo Poo Point to celebrate the start of summer. They hit the trail well prepared and paused for taking pictures of beautiful flowers. It was a short steep hike but with big rewards on the top. Everyone enjoyed the breathtaking views on the top! After the good workout, they had lunch in Yea’s Wok, one of the best Chinese restaurants. There was also some good creative discussion about teaching. We can’t wait to try their creations!

There will be more CLTA-WA networking events coming up. Stay tuned for details.


Distinguished Teaching Award Recipient — Nyan-Ping Bi Laoshi‏

BilaoshiRecipient of “Distinguished Teaching Award”

Dear CLTA-WA community,

I had the immense pleasure and honor today to sit in the 46th Award of Excellence Ceremony today at the University of Washington. Please allow me the great pleasure to share this very exciting news and invite you to join me in extending a big shout out and congratulations to our Board Advisor, Nyan-Ping Bi of the Asian Language and Literature Department at the University of Washington. Bi Laowhi was one of the 7 outstanding recipients of the “Distinguished Teaching Award” recognized and honored at the ceremony today. Recipient of “Distinguished Teaching Award”

When introducing Bi Laoshi to the guests today, the UW provost pointed out that Bi Laoshi’s classes are extremely engaging and she effectively gets her students to learn the Chinese language well, so much so, among her accomplished students, one is now engaged in selling Washington State wine to China! He also shared that students had said that a litmus test of a good teacher is asking if one would want one’s children to be taught by this teacher. Without doubt or reservation, the answer to whether one would choose to have Bi Laoshi as teacher to one’s children is a resounding Yes!

Many of you, like me, have had the good fortune of learning from and being inspired by Bi Laoshi’s expertise and professional excellence in the field of Teaching Chinese as A Foreign Language. We have been gifted by her immense generosity in sharing her wealth of knowledge and skills in pedagogical practices and instructional strategies. We also benefited greatly from her engaging public service in connecting our community with the services and support of the East Asia Center of the University of Washington, in organizing AP workshops, and in serving in the Education Advisory Board of the Confucius Institute of the State of Washington. As one of the principle authors of Integrated Chinese textbook series, and an officer in the AP Chinese Assessment team, Bi Laoshi also personally leads many workshops in local and national conferences as well as hosts webinars for the benefit of the Chinese teaching and learning communities. I am always touched by her energy, expertise, dedication and generosity in sharing and helping teachers of Chinese to advance professional skills, especially in her role as advisor to CLTA-WA.

We, at CLTA-WA, are truly fortunate and proud to have Bi Laoshi as our advisor. We offer our sincere congratulations to Bi Laoshi for her accomplishment and shall draw inspiration from her exemplary role as a Chinese teaching professional and a caring individual with a big heart in the community.

Respectfully sharing,

Chunman Gissing
CLTA-WA Advisor

2016 CLTA-WA AGM Recap


On Saturday June 4th 2016 CLTA-WA held its annual general meeting at the Kirkland library. Approximately 30 members enjoyed a half day full of stories, prizes, ideas and laughter.

The AGM started off by a light lunch. CLTA-WA 2015-2016 President, Cheyenne Matthewson, then made an opening presentation and shared the highlights of the past year. After a 5 minute slide show the members were enlightened to a welcome presentation by Xiaofeng Foster, 2016-2017 president. She also proudly announced CLTA-WA’s new Executive and Board members. After a fun raffle section, five CLTA-WA teachers shared great teaching ideas/resource.

It takes countless time and effort to put something like this together so it is important to recognize and thank the board and out advisors. Special thanks to Chunman Gissing and Tracy Ge for donating awesome raffle prizes. As well thanks for the presence of our members today.

Finally CLTA-WA is looking forward to holding the Summer Workshop in August and seeing you there! Keep your eyes open for details in the upcoming months!



2016 CLTA-WA New Board Directors and Vice President Elections are OPEN now!

Voting Instructions for Board Director Seats and Vice President:

Please view candidates’ 2016 bios.

Each member can vote for up to THREE board director candidates and ONE VP candidate. All ballots will be reviewed and approved by the Election Committee and their determination as to the votes cast by that ballot is final for purposes of such CLTA-WA election decisions. Please select up to THREE from the board director candidate list below by clicking on “Yes” next to the names of the candidates you would like to vote for. Click on “No” next to the name(s) of the candidate(s) you are not voting for. Please note: select either “Yes” or “No” for ALL candidates. If neither is checked, your votes will not be submitted successfully. Please also vote for the VP candidate. (Candidates ordered alphabetically)

Elections close on 2016-04-25. Thank you for voting!


Nominations for the 2016-2019 New Board of Directors is officially open!

CLTA-WA invites qualified individuals to apply for consideration to serve on the Board of Directors
THREE board seats are open for nomination.
Nomination opens on March 14, 2016, closes on March 21, 2016
Please note that CLTA-WA board members need to
• be a CLTA-WA member in good standing as of March 21, 2016
• possess necessary qualities and skills and be willing to perform the duties as described in the attached document Board-position-and-duties
• serve a three-year term

Once the nomination is closed, selection committee will contact candidates to submit the following by April 4, 2016:
• statement of intent
• resume
Review of application will be completed by April 10, 2016.  A list of best qualified candidates will be put forth for the whole membership to vote and the voting will run from April 11, 2016 until April 25, 2016. New board members will be announced on May 4th, 2016.


March 5th CLTA-WA Spring Workshop

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It was a very successful workshop. There were two topics, Making Thinking Visible in Chinese Flipped Classroom and Innovative Strategies and Concrete Techniques for Teaching Common in Chinese Textbooks.There were around 30 participants and the attendees were Chinese teachers from K-16 settings. Teachers thought the workshop was very informative and practical. It helped us get ready to use teaching methods and techniques that promote 21st century skills. A lot of participants stayed for a long time afterward to ask the presenter questions and expressed their hope to see the presenter invited back in the future.

Taiwanese Lumpia Party on 1/31

20160131_174924 20160131_174532-1
CLTA-WA had a Taiwanese Lumpia Party on Sunday, 1/31. Although it was a Sunday, there were still ten teachers that showed up. Everyone liked how tasty and fun the lumpia was!
With proper facility and preparation, it’s possible to bring the lumpia to classroom and share with students.
It was a successful event and the lumpia was so delicious. Please check back soon for the upcoming networking event.